Rules of participation

  1. Teachers from all over Europe are eligible for participation in the ODS Contest as long as their submitted Learning Scenario is created by the deployment of the ODS authoring tools.
  2. The selection of the thematic of the Learning Scenario is dependent to the Contestant-teacher ’s individual choice.
  3. The selection of the language used for the Learning Scenario is dependent to the Contestant-teacher ’s individual choice; it could be the national language of the Contestant-teacher or the English language.
  4. The ODS Contest 2014-2015 will be organised in two stages; National and PanEuropean.
  5. The first stage of the ODS Contest will be at national level at National Communities. Each Contestant-teacher should apply for the national contest organized to his/her country. For teachers that there is no national Contest in their country should apply in this community, for other countries.
  6. The ODS Contest national stage will take place in each ODS national community created for this purpose.
  7. Each national contest will nominate a National Winner Contestant-teacher, through the national assessment process.
  8. Each Winner Contestant-teacher at national contest will be rewarded a place in the ODS summer school in Athens 2015.  All expenses will be covered by ODS project. The participation to the ODS summer school in Athens 2015 requires the school that he/she is teaching, to be a registered ODS school.
  9. Each Winner Contestant-teacher at national ODS Contest stage will participate in the PanEuropean ODS Contest stage, by the same learning scenario translated in English language, if it is not.
  10. The ODS Contest PanEuropean stage will take place at the website, created for this purpose.
  11. The PanEuropean ODS Contest stage will nominate two PanEuropean ODS Winners; one winner will be nominated by the voting among the National Winners and one winner will be nominated by public voting through Facebook. Both winners will be nominated “ODS teachers of the Year 2015”
  12. Only one Learning Scenario could be submitted per Contestant- teacher.
  13. The Contestant-teacher is the teacher who submitted a Learning Scenario until the specified deadline.
  14. The assessment process at each national contest will be performed by a National Evaluation Jury.
  15. The assessment process at the international contest will be performed by the National Winners and by the public.
  16. All the Learning Scenarios at PanEuropean level will be publicly available to a digital gallery for the PanEuropean assessment process.
  17. The two (2) PanEuropean Winners will also receive an iPad as a prize.
  18. The prize cannot be exchanged in cash or any other equivalent.
  19. Contestants-teachers are responsible for the content of their Learning Scenario to the contest. If they disclose personal information in the entry they submit, they make the disclosures at their own risk. The organizers are not responsible for the content that is submitted by the Contestants-teachers.
  20. The organisers of the Contest reserve the right to change the rules of the Contest, or partially recall it or cancel it.