ODS Contest in two steps; follow the concrete actions

Step 1 for National ODS Contest stage:

action 1: Register at your National ODS Community “ODS NATIONAL CONTEST 2014/15!”  by accessing the  following link:

http://portal.opendiscoveryspace.eu/community/ods-national-contest-201415-774607  and find your National Community.

action 2: create your LEARNING SCENARIO by using the ODS authoring tool provided in the forementioned location (same as above).

action 3: Generate the document for your Learning Scenario and save it.


ONLY for the National Winners who continue for the second stage

Step 2 for the PanEuropean ODS Contest stage:

action 1: Translate your winning learning scenario to English (if not already), with the support of your National Coordinator.

action 2: Register in www.ods-contest.eu/register (registration will be feasible after the nomination of the National Winners).  Only national Winners could register.

action 3: Upload your Learning Scenario in www.ods-contest.eu/upload by providing a. the url that your scenario is placed and b. the generated document from the usage of the authoring tool

action 4: Vote for the best Learning Scenarios, in www.ods-contests.eu/vote.  (this voting system will be open after the finalisation of the submission period)

action 5: Invite your colleagues and students to vote the best learning scenario through their Facebook account.  (this voting system will be open after the finalisation of the submission period)