View the best Learning Scenarios 2014-2015

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Media masterclass

Mrs. Ivi Kukk & Siiri Sitska, Paide, Estonia

Checking out what is media and what are it`s possibilities.

Practical work and getting advice from professionals.
Activity, photos and descriptions are seen in Facebook:

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Les pourcentages (pédagogie inversée)

Ms. Marie-Hélène . Barrault, Rouvray Saint Denis , France

Percentages (reverse pedagogy)
Organization and management of mathematical data: Proportionality
The main elements of mathematics – solve problems involving a situation of proportionality.

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Multimedia – 6th grade Computer science through Footloose Musical

Ms. Ana - Budojević, Zagreb, Croatia

The main idea of this scenario was to include as many educational areas (linguistically-communication, art, computer science area) and thus fulfill many learning objectives, as well as general educational goals. In addition, I wanted the time spent in school to be more pleasant and fun for the students. I tried to convince them that the school should not necessarily be synonymous with “torture” and cramming. The musical seemed to be good choice because of its form and Footloose also because of the sociological significance of a story it shows. Footloose connected the sixth and eighth graders and also the ones which were isolated and introverted. “Our” Footloose has enobled all participants, showed that school can be an oasis of fun, joy, creative leisure time, socializing and learning in several ways. The musical has strengthened school culture, the community in which the school operates, which was proved during the premiere show with full hall of proud parents, friends, neighbors, teachers.

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Landing on a comet! The Rosetta project

Ms. Maria Eleftheriou, Tzermiadon, Greece

Scenario based on the latest news of Rosetta’s expedition. How
students can learn through the great achievements of European Space Agency (ESA). Rosetta’s travel in space and the landing of
Philae on comet 67P give us the opportunity to learn Newton’s Laws and to find as real researchers the acceleration of gravity of the
comet. The scenario is finalized using various ICT tools.

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Mrs. Georgeta I Namolovan, Bucharest, Romania

Parents together with their children and a group of teachers will be involved in an English lesson activity. First part of activity will consist in presenting and using of Daisy full-texts files together with their advantages in learning foreign languages both for blind children and for low vision children. In the second part, parents and their children will become familiar with ROBOBRAILLE website and also with the steps implied in which they must follow to make up and use their own-made Daisy full texts files. Subsequently, parents will contribute to a small school library file containing Daisy full-texts files.

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Inclusion – Examining students‘ willingness and acceptance for different kinds of para-sports? An exemplary class experience of commercial college WS 1

Mr. Armin - Ohran, Reichenbach, Germany

This educational scenario is focussing on the following superordinate educational objectives :
1. Sensitisising students for inclusive sports
2. Amplify students’ understanding for sports and depict competencies for actions.
3. Provide a change of perspective for regular students in regard to handicapped students.

This learning scenario consists of four double-lessons (each 90 min). Thereby two units were devoted to blind-man soccer and two to wheelchair basketball.

Unit and date of implementation:
1st unit (10/10/2014): Spatial and apperception exercises, learning basic techniques (passing and dribbling)
2nd unit (17/10/2014): Introduction to the games in a playful approach, implementing regular version of the games
3rd unit (07/11/2014): Safety aspects, using the materials, Rules, dribbling and shot
4th unit (14/11/2014): Shot on the basket and teampractical understanding in regard to the games

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CERN laboratory

Mrs. Marina Vladimir Dorocki, Novi Sad, Serbia

Our target is to familiarize students with the world’s largest physics lab CERN and its contents, using ODS portal. To
understand the basic experiments that are conducted at CERN, as well as why they are important for
humanity. That students know how to transfer what they have learned on the broader masses.
Students will get to know the LHC detectors after all activities, particularly CMS. Students
will know how to convey their knowledge to the scientific and popular way to those who are not
informed about CERN. Students will know how to describe the process of detection of elementary
particles. Students will understand the importance of CERN’s research and they will be familiar with
their future plans. Students will understand the importance of investing resources in basic research
and the implications for the overall benefit of mankind.

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Space Travel

Mrs. Boryana Simeonova Georgieva, Straldzha, Bulgaria

A scenario for a binary lesson is presented in the following educational material. The goal is to consolidate and reinforce the knowledge of decimals, the Solar system and the computer system based on games and activities during a lesson at school.
The students start playing a role of spacemen, on the interactive board they draw a rocket, then it comes the final countdown and they launch.
During their Space Travel students visit three planet – Astronomy, IT and Mathematics, solve mathematical problems precisely, to show knowledge in Astronomy by drawing graphics and by grouping objects to use IT for their virtual space travel.
In this lesson the teacher works with all the students in class, encourage them if they have difficulties and makes further clarifications and instructions.
After this exciting adventure, students land in their school, where with a great interest and pleasure they study, create and play games.

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Let’s make our school breaks more enjoyable!

Mrs. Noni Iacovou Eleftheriou, Engomi -Nicosia, Cyprus

Both students and teachers have observed that most children of our school are not often involved in team playing during school breaks. This results not only to the isolation of some children but also most of them get bored and dissatisfied. Moreover this situation leads to conflicts among them. For these reasons we thought to investigate the matter with students aged 8-9 years old, in order to find solutions or suggestions on how to improve the quality of our school’s breaks.
Τhe purpose of the project is to improve the interpersonal relations of students in order to engage them in a calm and pleasant team playing, leading to more enjoyable breaks.

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Mr. Carlos Morales Socorro, Telde, Spain

During the last 13 years I’ve applied Cooperative Learning and Project and Problem based learning
techniques in the classroom. The aim was moving from the traditional content-centered Maths
lessons to a set of real life projects and problems which must be solved by means of Maths, as you
may discover in this Pecha Kucha from 2009:

The main idea of this project is to include Scratch and Project Based Learning as a tool of Maths

The students from 4ºESO designed a robot simulation platform (in Scratch) which was applied and
used by the students of 1ºESO:

You may find the activities and the simulation system translated into English in the link posted

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Comparing the surface of terrestrial planets

Mr. Hélder JR Pereira, Loulé, Portugal

Using the same type of data and tools used by the planetary scientists, along this activity, students will experience the thrill of discovery while learning about the geological similarities and differences between the terrestrial planet’s surface.
Students will use satellite images and topographic data to compare several geological landforms and feature that occur on Earth with those on the surface of the Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars.

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Rollercoaster Energy Transfers

Mr. Stuart . Kettle, Shifnal, United Kingdom

This learning scenario allows students to work together in order to design the fastest rollercoaster. It incorporates different areas of the GCSE physics curriculum and allows the use of ICT in a new and innovative way. This activity can be run over several lessons or used for a STEM club project.

The activity gives the students a fantastic opportunity to work as team and understand real life economic and social issues alongside science.

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Mr. Claudio Claudio Malavasi, Ostiglia (Mantova), Italy

The scenario includes the study of lichens as bioindicators of environmental quality and the results forwarded to the citizens with a public event and with the publication on the internet. The activities proposed to students are not only scientific but also fun with games, songs, drawings to develop creativity.

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Eco-friendly island

Human impact on the environment is a topical issue. Climate change caused by human activities has become a pressing problem. Geography lessons include standard education about the environment and interactive teaching methods using modern information technology. The lessons are set up to test and develop students’ skills and knowledge of the effects of climate change and show the choices each person can make to reduce the negative impact on the environment. This is done by reducing greenhouse gas emissions and better understanding of the use of natural resources. A concept of a green island is used to understand the factors that affect the environment.

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